1. The Tool Lending Library (“Library”) members must be age 18 or over.
2. Prior to borrowing tools, all members must (a) complete a Membership Application; (b) sign the Waiver and Indemnification Form; and (c) have their residence verified by a Library volunteer.
3. Library volunteers are available to help you learn about tool use. However, by taking possession of any item, you are certifying that you are capable of using that item safely and properly. The member agrees to pursue any needed training or guidance on safe and proper tool use, which may include reading user manuals, viewing training videos, or asking others for advice or assistance.
4. Only the member is authorized to use Library tools. If you check out tools, you cannot permit non-members to use Library tools, even your partner or best friend.
5. Please contact the Library directly for group events involving tool use by non-members.
6. All tools borrowed are to be returned to the Library on their due date. Tools may only be returned during the Library’s open hours.
7. The Library reserves the right to use appropriate steps to retrieve delinquent tools, including the use of a collection agency and/or legal action and to assess the delinquent member with the cost of any such action. The Library also reserves the right to forgive fees or costs due to special circumstances.
8. Members may renew each tool once if the member contacts the Library by the time the library opens on the day that the tool is due. The Library reserves the right to refuse or limit renewals and will do so based on demand.
9. The member agrees that the Library is not responsible for any manufacturing defects, quality of workmanship or materials, or any damage caused by previous users to any borrowed tools.
10. The member agrees that if any borrowed tool becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair, he or she must immediately discontinue use of the tool and notify the Library of the issue on return, if not earlier.
11. The member agrees to inform the Library if any borrowed tool has been involved in an accident that resulted in personal injury or property damage. We ask you to do this so we can perform a safety inspection and needed repairs on any tool involved in an accident.
12. All tools are to be returned in the same (or better) condition as they were issued, barring normal wear and tear. All tools must be returned clean. The member agrees to pay for the loss of or damage to any item and further agrees to accept the Library’s assessment of condition of items and to further agree to the Library’s assessment of fair restitution for damage, uncleanliness, delinquency and/or loss of items in part or in total. This restitution amount could equal up to the full replacement cost of the item.
13. The Library reserves the right to refuse the loan of any item to any member at its discretion.